Arrangerr- Chidester
Length- 6:13
Difficulty- M
Range- M
Endurance- M
Finger technique- M
Counting ability- M
Ensemble difficulty- M
After living in Branson, Missouri (National Capitol of Patriotism), you get to know what works best for honoring our armed forces. And when I was invited to arrange a salute to our vets by our good friends at the Villages in Florida, I jumped at the chance to get it done the way it should be done.
Most medleys run through each of the services and suddenly ends. To me there are so many better ways to show our respect and I decided to start the medley with a short version of “America” and end it with “God Bless America”, to be sung by the audience.
I also introduced each of the branches with a short introduction where the announcer is able to introduce each branch and ask them to stand and be recognized.
If we are to give thanks to our vets, I feel it should be done in a very special way and I think you will agree that this is the way it should be done.
To those who have served in our military, thank you from the Branson Trumpet Ensemble.