Instrumentation- Trumpet Duet /w Bass
Composer- Daniel Speer/ trans.Chidester
Length- 4:14
Difficulty- M
Range – Low C to B just above staff
Endurance- M
Finger technique- M
Counting ability- M
Ensemble difficulty- M
We have a concert coming up and I wanted to add a bass player to the program. I found these two Sonati written by Daniel Speer and wanted to do one or two on the concert. They were written for instruments other than the trumpet (bassoon) so I decided to use the bass on the figured bass part and find a workable key for the trumpets. Other than those changes, everything is about the same as the original. These could be used by any high school trumpet duo but the bass part is essential for a full performance. If you don't have a bass player, the bass part would work equally well for a trombone or euphonium.
Composer- Daniel Speer/ trans.Chidester
Length- 4:14
Difficulty- M
Range – Low C to B just above staff
Endurance- M
Finger technique- M
Counting ability- M
Ensemble difficulty- M
We have a concert coming up and I wanted to add a bass player to the program. I found these two Sonati written by Daniel Speer and wanted to do one or two on the concert. They were written for instruments other than the trumpet (bassoon) so I decided to use the bass on the figured bass part and find a workable key for the trumpets. Other than those changes, everything is about the same as the original. These could be used by any high school trumpet duo but the bass part is essential for a full performance. If you don't have a bass player, the bass part would work equally well for a trombone or euphonium.