Composer- Chidester
Length- 2:37
Difficulty- E
Range – E
Endurance- E
Finger technique- E
Counting ability- E
Ensemble difficulty- E
One of our readers asked if I could recommend a trumpet fugue written for two players. To answer his/her question, I went directly to the source; Robert King pub. If it is not in their vast listings, it does not exist. I found that it does not exist so I decided to write one for our reader and here it is.
Every fugue should be introduced by either a choral, prelude or other section based on the fugue subject and that is why my fugue begins with a Prelude.
In addition to the conventional practices, I included several modulations. At the end I wrote a short section of the theme subject in augmentation against the original fugue subject, just in case you missed it. The end of course includes a Picardy third at the end to give it a more enjoyable close.
Length- 2:37
Difficulty- E
Range – E
Endurance- E
Finger technique- E
Counting ability- E
Ensemble difficulty- E
One of our readers asked if I could recommend a trumpet fugue written for two players. To answer his/her question, I went directly to the source; Robert King pub. If it is not in their vast listings, it does not exist. I found that it does not exist so I decided to write one for our reader and here it is.
Every fugue should be introduced by either a choral, prelude or other section based on the fugue subject and that is why my fugue begins with a Prelude.
In addition to the conventional practices, I included several modulations. At the end I wrote a short section of the theme subject in augmentation against the original fugue subject, just in case you missed it. The end of course includes a Picardy third at the end to give it a more enjoyable close.