Composer- Vivaldi / trans.Chidester
Length- 9:48
Difficulty- EX.D
Counting ability- EX.D
Ensemble difficulty- EX.D
Range- D
Endurance- Impossible
Finger technique- EX.Impossible
This transcription was undertaken for the sole purpose of trying to compare string parts to the same composition performed by brass instruments.
Some may ask if I played both trumpet parts to which I can say yes, I played every note. Some may also ask if I played every note at the same tempo as the recording to which I must admit there was a little tweaking done. What happens in Texas, stays in Texas. If asked if I was able to play the entire composition in one take I must confess that there was more than one take on the first Trumpet part.
As stated before, this was done to find out how much difference there would be when done by strings compared to the same composition performed by brass Instruments. My conclusion is that some pieces are better done by the original scoring.
This transcription includes Trumpet parts for Bb as well as C Trumpets. The Baritone part is written in bass clef only as well as a concert pitched score.
Although I would not recommend this transcription to anyone less than an extremely talented group of players, there is no reason the number of variations could easily be reduced to make this a very fine show piece for above average players.