Composer- ThomasArne/arr.Chidester
Length- 1:42
Difficulty- M
Range- M
Endurance- M
Finger technique- M
Counting ability- M
Ensemble difficulty- M
This came to me in a dream or more accurately a sleepless night. The counter melody kept me awake for hours and I finally had to get up and write it down. That was about 4:00 in the morning. When I finally went back to bed, I started realizing that the counter melody which I had just notated, fit with My Country Tis’ of Thee and again I had to get up and start writing the arrangement around this famous tune.
An additional hour was spent tweaking the rough edges of the trio and then it was ready to record.
This arrangement should come with a warning for when you start reading trumpets 1 and 2, your first instinct is that I should have written it in ¾ and not in 6/8. And I admit that it would be much easier to play but what I wanted was something more challenging and also give the counter melody a more wandering feel in order to hide the true melody. What I wanted is a number which showcased the counter melody and gradually brought in the true melody. By using the 6/8 time signature, this was more effective.
I think you will find this very challenging and fun to play. When performing this number, I would suggest that you not introduce the title but challenge you audience to listen and raise their hand when they finally recognize the melody. Some may not recognize the melody until the last phrase.
I hope you enjoy this and at the price, you should give it a try.
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