Instrumentation- Trumpet sextet
Composer- Chidester
Length- 1:26
Difficulty- M
Range – D
Endurance- M
Finger technique- 2
Counting ability- 2
Ensemble difficulty- 3
I seldom have enough time any more to do a serious, original composition but I had two free hours yesterday so I jumped at the chance. I wanted to write a serious fanfare based on a Gm7 chord and this is what came out. The opening features a short ensemble trill effect to set the mood and capture the listener’s attention. The main theme is introduced with an unusual rhythmic section in order to give the line an unsettled feel. Once that was achieved, it goes into the two part fugue section with contrasting dynamics.
Performing the dynamics as written is very important to achieve the proper effect. Nearing the close of the piece I used stacked chordal entrances and ended the number with a conventional church sounding ending. If you perform this fanfare, I would appreciate a recording. If you rehearse this piece, please let me know what you think of it.