Instrumentation- Four trumpets
Composer- Chidester
Length- 2:59
Difficulty- M
Range – Low B to G top space
Endurance- 3 (fourth part)
Finger technique- 3
Counting ability- 3
Ensemble difficulty- 3
This is a nice Latin number with an interesting, building vamp section at the end for excitement. The 1st part has an optional high D but can be played down an octave by the younger players. The range is only an octave and a 6th with no real difficulties for the players. This is a fun piece to perform. The audience will definitely be moving on this one.
Composer- Chidester
Length- 2:59
Difficulty- M
Range – Low B to G top space
Endurance- 3 (fourth part)
Finger technique- 3
Counting ability- 3
Ensemble difficulty- 3
This is a nice Latin number with an interesting, building vamp section at the end for excitement. The 1st part has an optional high D but can be played down an octave by the younger players. The range is only an octave and a 6th with no real difficulties for the players. This is a fun piece to perform. The audience will definitely be moving on this one.