Composer- arr.Chidester
Length- 6:35 total
Difficulty- ME
Range – Low G to A just above staff
Endurance- ME
Finger technique- 2
Counting ability- 2-
Ensemble difficulty- 2
Just in time for the 4th or any other time you need a group of patriotic duets. Be the center of attention this 4th at your neighbor hood gathering, family get together or any other occasion where you need a full program or individual tunes to celebrate a patriotic event. This collection includes American Patrol, You're A Grand Old Flag, Yankee Doodle Dandy, America and Stars And Stripes Forever. Each can be performed by its self or can be played as a medley. As you can hear from the recording, the introductions and endings lead into the next number to sound like one complete medley or each can be performed as individual songs.
The melody switches from one part to the other to share the load. I indicated the lead part by giving it a forte dynamic and the second part has a mezzo piano dynamic to make sure the melody comes through.
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