Composer- Various/ arr.Chidester
Length- 22:55 total music (1:30 to 2:00 each)
Difficulty- E
Range- E
Endurance- E
Finger technique- E
Counting ability- E
Ensemble difficulty- E
For some time we have been asked to do another collection of popular hymns. Our first collection was very well received and turned out to be one of our most requested items.
This new collection has been written with the same care and features as the first collection but this time we offer it as a Solo, Duet or Trio. You can use it for any solo work or if you have some trumpet friends, you can invite them to join you on these very popular hymns. Each hymn has indicated an intro as well as a closing coda so that you can do some professional sounding presentation. Each hymn is written to be played as one time through but repeats can be easily added to cover more verses if performed in a church setting.
I have included one example with the intro and coda ending added to give you an idea as to how flexible these hymns can be.
All three parts are printed on score so that players can change parts at will.
As advertised in our first set of hymns, this should be in every trumpet player’s library. Make no mistake for this will be your go to collection which includes no less than 27 pages plus the index.
Included in this collection are the following hymns-
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, Amazing Grace, Are You Washed in the Blood, Blessed Be The Name, Bringing In The Sheaves, Come Thou Fount, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Holy, Holy, Holy, How Great Thou Art, I Love To Tell The Story, In The Garden, In The Sweet Bye and Bye, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Paid It All, Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Just As I Am, Leaning On The Everlasting Arms, My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less, Nothing But The Blood, Old Time Religion, Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus, We Shall Gather By The River, What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Length- 22:55 total music (1:30 to 2:00 each)
Difficulty- E
Range- E
Endurance- E
Finger technique- E
Counting ability- E
Ensemble difficulty- E
For some time we have been asked to do another collection of popular hymns. Our first collection was very well received and turned out to be one of our most requested items.
This new collection has been written with the same care and features as the first collection but this time we offer it as a Solo, Duet or Trio. You can use it for any solo work or if you have some trumpet friends, you can invite them to join you on these very popular hymns. Each hymn has indicated an intro as well as a closing coda so that you can do some professional sounding presentation. Each hymn is written to be played as one time through but repeats can be easily added to cover more verses if performed in a church setting.
I have included one example with the intro and coda ending added to give you an idea as to how flexible these hymns can be.
All three parts are printed on score so that players can change parts at will.
As advertised in our first set of hymns, this should be in every trumpet player’s library. Make no mistake for this will be your go to collection which includes no less than 27 pages plus the index.
Included in this collection are the following hymns-
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, Amazing Grace, Are You Washed in the Blood, Blessed Be The Name, Bringing In The Sheaves, Come Thou Fount, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Holy, Holy, Holy, How Great Thou Art, I Love To Tell The Story, In The Garden, In The Sweet Bye and Bye, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Paid It All, Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Just As I Am, Leaning On The Everlasting Arms, My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less, Nothing But The Blood, Old Time Religion, Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus, We Shall Gather By The River, What A Friend We Have in Jesus
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