Composer- arr.Chidester
Length- First Half- 14:41/ Second Half- 9:46
Difficulty- E
Range- VE
Endurance- VE
Finger technique- VE
Counting ability- VE
Ensemble difficulty- E
It has taken me several years to get around to doing this second series and is our most popular request. Our first set of “20 Popular Hymns” was by far our most requested arrangements to date. The reason it took so long is because this is a huge undertaking when you consider 20 Hymns for four different trumpet parts. This project was so large; I had to do it in two sections for my Finale program could not compute all of the music at one time.
I do have to make one apology; there are not 20 hymns in this collection for there are actually “22” hymns. On a project this size it is easy to get lost.
Each of the 22 hymns includes a marked introduction as well as an indicated tag at the end as we had in our first series which gives you the option for introductions and tag endings.
Judging from the overwhelming sales of our first “20 Popular Hymns” we expect this to be also one of our most popular collections.
No matter if you are a trumpet player or an organist; this collection must be in your library.
These arrangements work equally well as trumpet quartets, trios and even duets as illustrated in the following recordings.
This much music could have been priced by the pound!
And only $20………..
This collection includes the following hymns-
<strong>Part 1</strong>
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
And Can It Be?
At the Cross
Be Thou My Vision
Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Come Thou Font of Every Blessing
How Firm A Foundation
I Love To Tell The Story
It Is Well With My Soul
<strong>Part 2</strong>
Jesus Paid It All
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
Just As I Am
Nearer My God To Thee
Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior
The Church Is One Foundation
The Old Rugged Cross
To God Be the Glory
On Solid Rock I Stand
This Is My Father’s World